In the last few years, Shift Left Observability has risen to prominence. Developers seeing production telemetry of their service alongside their code is critical to their success. It also introduces observability practices into the full developer lifecycle, including observing CI/CD pipelines. Leading to improvements in the developer lifecycle task speed.

In this post I want to talk about a key piece of shifting observability left. One I consider more important than the others.

A History of Shifting Left

Larry Smith describes Shift-Left Testing his 2001 article. He details how to utilize QA in earlier phases of development. Helping reduce bugs while improving development speed, remove rework in later stages. DevSecOps uses the same philosophy to bring security further left in the DevOps process. DevSecOps seeks to find security issues in code, well before reaching production.

Patrick Debois coined the DevOps and DevSecOps terms around 2009. Some of the concepts underpinning these philosophies have been prevalent in the industry for a while.

Shift Left approaches, irrespective of what for, tend to focus on the technological aspect. Testing code for security flaws on check-in, bringing observability data into developers IDEs, etc. However, the larger benefit, in my mind, is developers including these aspects when they’re planning and designing an application.

What do I mean by that?

Two decades ago, application developers would typically build an application in isolation. When it was complete, the application would be reviewed by a central security team. I saw many applications being rejected at this stage, requiring large time spent on resolving the discovered issues. In some cases, complete application rewrites were required. Retro-fitting the security changes into the existing application architecture was not possible.

Security became an integral part of designing applications with the advent of cloud computing. It could no longer be bolted on at the end of application development. Careful thought and planning is required before writing a single line of code, to successfully incorporate security.

I firmly believe developers knowing the importance of security, and how to implement it, reduces the number of security incidents of an application. In addition, total development time improves by removing effort caused by re-work.

Shift Left Observability

We talked about the history of Shift Left, including DevSecOps and shifting security left. Now, let’s discuss observability, another orthogonal concern of application development.

As mentioned above, Shift Left Observability has come to prominence over the last few years. There have been many articles on the topic, including Shifting Left Observability in Practice on The New Stack. Articles such as this focus on the technical aspects in the developers' lifecycle. They fail to bring observability further left into the application design phase.

When I say Application Observability Design, I’m referring to the process of evaluating a service or application to determine its observability needs. Every service has different needs, negating a one size fits all approach to observability. There may be services with similar needs for observability, but it’s rare for them to be completely identical.

We will come back to not including Application Observability Design with Shift Left Observability. Let’s briefly talk about OpenTelemetry.


OpenTelemetry is an extremely large open-source project. It consists of many sub-projects. A key goal of OpenTelemetry is a vendor neutral method of collecting and transmitting telemetry data for observability. Having contributed to a couple of sub-projects myself, I can attest to the dedication and commitment of those involved. They work continuously on a very challenging problem, and have made progress in a short period of time.

OpenTelemetry also provides lots of instrumentations for frameworks across languages. Depending on the language, it’s also possible for the instrumentations to be automatically applied. While this is fantastic, and simplifies the process of generating telemetry, it does introduce challenges. Which telemetry is the correct telemetry for any specific service?

OpenTelemetry contributors use their judgment and experience in determining what telemetry data provides the most useful information. Their experiences may differ to a service you are building, creating a misalignment in generated telemetry. The information you need to correctly observe the service will not be present.

To be clear, this is not the fault of the OpenTelemetry project. It’s one of developer education, and ensuring the business allows developers the time they need for it. There is the need, however, to recognize all services are different. As such, their telemetry requirements will differ. Telemetry requirements will also depend on the organizational structure. Is it Ops or Dev supporting the service? Is there a mixture depending on incident severity?

What Telemetry to use?

As part of the Shift Left Observability approach, developers need to spend time thinking about how their service will be operated. Not only once their operating a service, but during initial design phases too. This information helps determine which telemetry data is necessary for operating a service with resiliency and scalability. When a developer takes advantage of pre-defined instrumentation libraries, it increases the risks of bloating the size of collected telemetry; increasing the costs of collection and storage, and complicating the telemetry for operational support of a service.

Yes, there are many tools available for filtering and modifying telemetry streams, both open-source and commercial. However, it’s not possible to effectively scale down the telemetry volume without knowing which telemetry data is needed. Evaluating the desired telemetry for service operation and debugging is critical.

Will developers think of all the required telemetry from day one? Absolutely not. Additional telemetry will need to be added over time. However, it’s a more efficient approach than capturing all possible telemetry data.

Being mindful of telemetry volume and cost is critical. Both for observability data usefulness, and cost to the business.


The Shift Left Observability approach will continue bringing benefits to the developer lifecycle. A companion piece, not often associated with the approach, is Application Observability Design. Developers need to carefully consider the telemetry requirements of their service or application. Even when modifying an already existing service. Application Observability Design isn’t a great term to represent what developers should do, but it does emphasize the work that needs to happen.

Whether it’s utilizing SLOs/SLIs for a service, Golden metrics, RED metrics, or any other approach to defining a set of telemetry a service needs, defining the required telemetry data is a necessary step. Don’t default to collecting everything possible.