Welcome to my blog on software, cloud, microservices, programming and other topics of interest to me.

The Perils of Premature Optimization

June 09, 2024
Throughout my career I've always heard colleagues talk of premature optimization being a bad thing...

Bug Reproducers in Open Source

February 19, 2024
I've worked in open source for over 15 years. During that time I've seen a lot of issue reports...

Setting up an OPNSense Firewall

February 06, 2024
Over the years my home network has been powered by Ubiquiti hardware - nano HD APs, an in-wall AP, a Flex AP, an Outdoor Mesh, network switch, and a USG...

Writing more often

December 31, 2023
Since starting this blog shortly before the pandemic began, I've been very inconsistent in my writing...

Life at Lumigo

June 24, 2023
I've been at Lumigo for 6 weeks now, and it's been an eye-opening experience...

The new journey!

December 23, 2021
I'm now almost two months into my new journey, and it's time to provide an update!...